It's Sunday night at 9:00 and I just finished cleaning a mountain of dishes after making enchiladas with a few neighbors. We started cooking at 6:00 and just finished... Don't get me wrong, the food was absolutely delicious but I don't know if the amount of prepping and cleaning is worth the effort. Next time I just might walk 6 blocks and buy an enchilada for 10 cordobas.
It's unbelievable that we're already in the middle of January. The youth groups have started back up so I've surprisingly been busy. I also started making earrings out of glass bottle caps with a few 18 and 19 year olds and they look pretty great. The younger kids in the neighborhood learned how to make string bracelets today at my house. One boy actually just stopped by a few minutes ago to show me his finished project and to tell me how much fun he had today. Those comments make all the mayhem (bouncing basketballs in my house, nailpolish paint spilled on my table/"meghan" said about 2,000 times) during the day 110% worth it. We're planning to have a fair in February or March to sell all of our crafts and with the money made, we're going to buy more materials, throw a party, and hopefully start planning the second fair.
English class is up and running. I decided to have it in my house (still not sure if that's a good idea). I'm borrowing a white board from a neighbor and one of my walls is covered in English phrases and dialogues. On Thursdays, the younger kids who don't know any English come and on Mondays and Fridays, the older kids (well, and my host nephew) who learned English in high school come. It's a first-come-first-serve when it comes to seats because I only have 4. I didn't have chairs for the first couple weeks so here's a picture of some neighbor's eating rice krispie treats we made, sitting on the floor. It's pretty clean but I do still need to buy a mop.
So, the first day of school was supposed to be on February 1 but because this is Nicaragua, it won't be starting until February 15. No surprise there. I had dinner the other night with a teacher I would love to work with but don't know if I'll be able to. She still doesn't know what grade she will be teaching and won't find out until next week. What's a few more days of vacation (that I've now had since June)?
For the silly stories.. One: there's a frog living in my toilet. It's about the size of a quarter and every time I flush, I actually feel bad as it battles its way toward the top of the bowl. Two: on Friday with two of my host sisters, I went to a community of Teustepe. We took a 10 minute bus ride then walked 25 minutes to get to the community that has about 75 houses. We went to visit the principal of the high school who was in a terrible accident in December. He was riding home from the school at midnight on his motorcycle on a dark, dirt road and crashed into a cow. Of course the fact that he had an accident is no laughing matter, but a cow? Really? Three: I ate peliguey meat today (animals that's a sheep & goat hybrid) and it was yummy. Four: I'm helping a neighbor make a tree nursery and spent 4 hours of last Monday filling recycled plastic water bags (water can be bought by the bag) with dried cow poop. I even went as far to ask if I could take some with me to start a fertilizer in my backyard.
I hope those anecdotes will make you laugh while your sitting under a bundle of blankets and keeping warm with all the snow!