The week after the visit was a pretty busy one. On Tuesday, I gave a presentation to the delegates of 8 towns in the region of Boaco about my job as an environmental education volunteer. Wednesday, I went to the city with a professor to buy all the materials to bring electricity to her one room school house. (Thanks Al, for the awesome donation! The light is already installed!) Thursday was a fun-filled day of selling the earrings, bracelets, and flower vases I've been making with my women's group. Although we didn't sell as much as expected, it was great to get the word out of what we've been doing for the past three months using recycled materials.
On Saturday, I helped another volunteer build an improved oven in her town. I hope to get the funds to build one in my town in May.
This past week I was in Matagalpa, a region north of Boaco, for a three day training with other PC volunteers... the first two days were spent with our Nicaraguan counterparts. It was at a beautiful nature reserve in the mountains called Selva Negra. I then stayed in the city of Matagalpa for two nights where I indulged in delicious Italian food, wine, and iced coffee.... two things definitely not available in Boaco. From Matagalpa, I went about 2 hours north to the city of Esteli which is known for it's cigars and cowboy boots.
There are no classes this week because of Easter, but today I went to one of my schools to continue on the world map. It's really coming along!! From Thursday-Saturday, I'll be going to the Laguna de Apoyo in Masaya to swim and kayak with two other volunteers. Other exciting news... I'll be coming home for a week in July!