Monday, September 20, 2010


Yesterday was the day for “firsts”.  There was no water so it was the first time I took a bucket bath.  It was the first time I used the latrine.  It was the first time I used the latrine in the middle of the night with my headlamp while paying extra close attention to not shining the light in the hole because I definitely never want to find out what’s down there.  It was the first time I saw a cockroach in Nicaragua (while using the latrine in the middle of the night… I never picked up my foot so quickly).  It was the first time I realized why, in the morning, there are feathers on the floor of our living room—there’s a bird’s nest in the rafters.  It was the first time I talked to my mom on the phone!  It was the first time I began reading a book in Spanish, El Principito, with much needed assistance from the dictionary of course. 

It’s Monday and I just found out we won’t have water until Thursday.  Thank goodness we have a latrine because otherwise, we’d be up a creek.  Showering won’t be a problem because that’s what rain’s for… good thing it’s the rainy season.  Cooking and drinking, however, is going to be a concern because all the water has to be boiled before doing anything.  It’s really rare for there to be no water for this long of a period, so many people aren’t really prepared.  In el campo, supposedly everyone has buckets and buckets of water saved for times like this.  Not in Santa Teresa.

On a better note, we had a really successful youth group meeting yesterday.  We now have two boys in our group who are going to be a huge help.  We’ve decided to make an environmental awareness sign out of plastic and metal bottle caps by nailing them on a big wooden board.  We have to go to the mayor to ask for money to buy the wood and we’re hoping he’ll give us a decent amount so we can follow through with the project.  We also finally completed our community map and have all the hot spots in Santa Teresa on it.  To top off the day, my family and I watched “The Hot Chick” at night.


  1. Okay, Meg, Mom wants to fly down to Nicaragua with many, many cases of bottled water! I never imagined that could be a problem, that is for sure. I guess you will be collecting rain in buckets the next few days? Hey, a bird's nest! Can I send you those bird books you bought when you were birdwatching in Ms. Baldassare's class? They may come in handy.

    I am so happy you had a good turn out for your meeting. Maybe you can post a copy of your community map for us to see. I cannot seem to find St. Teresa on any map!

    It was just great to talk to you yesterday. I am counting the days until March!

    Keep up your positive attitude, Meg!

    Love and miss you.
    Mom xoxoxoxoxo

  2. Hi Meg! I just read this to my coworker Jim and he said "if that was me, this post would be entitled 'Lasts', not Firsts." Hang in there. Think about it this way, boiling water is only one step worse than Mom making us refill our Poland Spring bottles at the water fountain rather then getting a new one! Glad the youth group is going well - that project sounds great. Miss you.



  3. Hey Meggy!

    I give you major props for dealing with the whole no water thing. Can you get bottled water anywhere? I mean you can most likely by a water bottling plant with i dont know $4?

    Try using those hydration tablets i got you if you are extra thirsty!

    Miss you!

  4. Hi Meghan,
    You are definitely going to be prepared for unusual, challenging situations.
    The Peace Corp is so fortunate to have a dedicated volunteer in YOU.xdiana

  5. Hey Meghan...There is no doubt in MY mind that anyone as enterprising as YOU will find a "work-a-round" every obstacle put in your way. Sounds like a challenging task ahead but one that you will figure out as you go!

    I love the descriptive narrative on your blog! I can actually "see" what you write...very cool!

    I am hoping that you will try your luck on survivor after your Peace Corps work:)

    Love you,


  6. I finally got here. Have been reading your posts ever since your dad alerted me to them. Have enjoyed each one. I will keep reading as long as you keep writing. You mentioned the rainy season being good for "showering." It is showering in Staunton, VA right this moment. I just heard the back door open.I hope your Aunt Kathleen isn't thinking of saving water. If she's out there cavorting - I love the idea of cavorting - I shall blame you. Take care. Talk to you soon.

  7. Uncle Jim!! I hope Aunt Kathleen isn't getting any crazy ideas...

    Anne, one of our trainers talked about making baskets the other day and I was explaining how I used to make baskets with you in Myrtle Beach.

    Diana, thanks so much for reading!

    Jeanine, I miss you!! The beans aren't as bad as we thought..

    Al, can't wait til I find out where I am and we can start making plans! love you
